Thursday 15 April 2010

Ham Meeting in the pub!!!

the meeting today went realy well we had lots to catch up on as we hadent meet for a few weeks. i realy feel as if they are excited about the progect now and we can all see hoe it is coming together. We wanted to have a catch up with them so that we could tell them the progress that we have made over the last few weeks. they seam realy happy with the work that we are doing.

We are going to have a meeting on the 29th as our next big meeting to fill them in on our procress and any workshops that we have had. They would also like us to present them with a plan of how the day will run and where everyone will be. they understand that this might not be compleate as we still may not know everyones plans but in as much detail that we can.

So if we can all start to get as much information as possiable we can make the plan realy good for them.

its all going well but not long till it is hear. keep up the goods work guys!!!xx

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